Barcelona. Carrer d'Ortigosa, 14, 5/2a Ciutat Vella, 08003 Barcelona - Mapa ikusi
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Ekitaldiaren deskribapena

The Slow Dating Social – Because real connections take time...

Looking for a refreshing way to meet new people?

Enjoy a cozy evening with curated conversation cards, two glasses of wine, and light appetizers, all designed to help you connect naturally. Whether you're here for romance or just good company, this is the perfect way to meet like-minded singles without the awkwardness of speed dating.

Date: March 6th

Time: 7 - 9 PM

Venue: VibrART Studio Rooftop

Carrer d'Ortigosa, 14, 5/2a Ciutat Vella, 08003 Barcelona

What's Included in Your Ticket:

Two Glasses of Wine


Curated Conversation Cards – Fun prompts to spark authentic connections.

Skip the swiping, slow things down, and let the conversation flow. Book your ticket now and discover where the night takes you!

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