CREART FEST 2025 - IAB Dance Performance - Photography and recording of this performance is not permitted due to copyright regulations

Institute of the Arts Barcelona. Ramón Dalmases, 18 - Vedi mappa
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Descrizione dell'evento

The Institute of the Arts Barcelona presents the CreArt Festival 2025

an immersive site-specific performance where the audience will embark on a guided journey through the IAB spaces. 

The festiva, is curated and choreographed by second-year dance students, and it is divided into two different routes: Orbit and Prism. The two routes will happen simultaneously. 


"Orbit" brings cycles, loops, and repeating patterns to life through movement. This route explores how time, relationships, emotions, and society always come back to cyclical patterns.

“Prism” explores perspectives, capturing distinct viewpoints on reality, community, emotions, and existence. This route emphasises the subjective nature of experience and highlights how perception shapes understanding.

Important Information:

Photography and recording of this performance is not permitted due to copyright regulations.

Please turn off your mobile phones. Mobile use is not permitted once the performance begins.

Entry Policy: No entry once the show begins


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