The Government Inspector - IAB Acting Show - Photography and recording of this performance is not permitted due to copyright regulations.

Institute of the Arts Barcelona, IAB Can Pei Theatre. C/ Ramón de Dalmases,18 - Vedi mappa
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Descrizione dell'evento

The Government Inspector

By Nikolai Gogol

Directed by Cristian Izzo

Performed by Georgi Todorov, Cláudia Inácio, Helena Franquesa Villalba, Pedro Chicau, Sophie Gibbons, Paloma Padilla, Ari Moreno, Stavria Charaiampous, Karolina Isomäki, Antonia Illies, Lyuba Kovshel, Anouk Heijnen, Sylvie Titterington & Giada Masi.

Important Information:

Running Time: 2 hours 20 minutes with intermission

Photography and recording of this performance is not permitted due to copyright regulations.

Please turn off your mobile phones. Mobile use is not permitted once the performance begins.

Entry Policy: No entry once the show begins


In a small village in Russia, on the road to Saratov, the local authorities are alarmed by the news that a high-ranking official from the Central Government in St. Petersburg is either on his way or already present incognito. This news throws the mayor and the town administrators into a state of complete panic, exposing what are initially deemed minor vices and lated reveiled as a full-blown epidemic of corruption and inefficiency in fulfilling their public duties. After some initial investigation, all evidence and gossip lead to the conclusion that the high-ranking official is staying in a shabby inn, refusing to pay his bill and delaying his journey. His name, they say, is Khlestakov. 

Politica di accesso

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Anna Ha partecipato il 11/02/2025
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